Ready to grow your online donations?

Grow Your Donor Tribe

We use software to automatically identify your top donors and AI to find similar new donors.

STEP ONE: Complimentary Discovery
STEP TWO: Evaluate Real Data
STEP THREE: Net New Funding

AI-powered donor acquisition
produces more funding.

AI-powered donor acquisition helps you increase new funding by finding and targeting the right donors. We use data to identify your ideal supporters and find similar ones, boosting donations and long-term support for your cause.

Analyze Current Donor Lifetime Value

We begin by analyzing your current donor lifetime value to understand who your most valuable supporters are. This comprehensive analysis helps us identify patterns and characteristics that define your ideal donor profile, ensuring we focus on the right audience for maximum impact.

Train Performance Max Campaign

Next, we train your Performance Max campaign, including setting up conversions on your website. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, we optimize your ad campaigns to reach potential donors who are most likely to engage and contribute, ensuring efficient use of your marketing budget.

Maximize Funds Raised Per Day

Finally, we focus on maximizing the funds raised per day. By continuously monitoring and adjusting your campaigns, we ensure your organization reaches the right donors at the right time, driving consistent and significant revenue growth. This approach guarantees a steady increase in net new revenue, sustaining your nonprofit's mission and goals.

How can AI-powered donor acquisition
help with funding?

Struggling to Retain Your Donors?

In the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, global economic uncertainty has increased nonprofit donor attrition. As financial instability persists, donors are becoming more cautious with their contributions, resulting in fluctuating and often reduced funding for many organizations. Fundraise Forward addresses this challenge by acquiring new, diverse donors for your organization. By expanding your donor base, you can maintain engagement, secure consistent support, and ensure sustainable revenue growth despite economic uncertainties.


Are Your Active Donors Changing?

Another significant challenge for nonprofits is the drop in regular recurring gifts, with more donors becoming inactive. This decline in consistent support disrupts organizations' financial stability, making it difficult to plan and execute long-term initiatives. As donors face economic pressures, their commitment to regular giving wanes, leading to a rise in one-time donations and lapses in donor activity. Fundraise Forward helps you re-engage these supporters and encourages sustained contributions, ensuring your nonprofit's continued impact and operational sustainability.

Are You Winning the Great Wealth Transfer?

As the most significant wealth transfer in history unfolds, traditional tactics like snail mail won't reach the new generation inheriting this wealth. To tap into this unprecedented opportunity, you need innovative strategies. Fundraise Forward's AI Donor Acquisition uses advanced technology to identify and engage ideal new donors, ensuring your nonprofit benefits from this significant financial shift. We'd like to help you connect with future philanthropists and secure your organization's growth.


AI-powered donor acquisition
is used by high-impact nonprofit organizations

Meet Our Founder

Simon Yost

Simon Yost, the founder of Glued Network, combines his experience in nonprofits with the latest data innovations from top companies. He’s focused on bringing advanced AI and data tools to mission-driven organizations, ensuring their vital work can continue and grow. Simon believes that people and their causes genuinely matter, and he’s dedicated to helping these missions succeed in the long term.

"Simon has the unique ability to combine his technical knowledge, attention to detail, and excellent project management skills... He deeply cares for clients and the product that is being produced. When he worked for me, I trusted him to do what is best for the client."

Co-Founder and CEO, Spry Digital
Sheila Burkett

"The two things that stand out to me are: how deeply he cares about his fellow humans and his drive to make things better. Simon challenged me think bigger and better, for which I am always grateful."

Kit Menke
Data Engineering Leader, 1904labs
Kit Menke

"Not only did [Simon's] team deliver top-notch results, I was extremely impressed with his project management and customer engagement capabilities. I’d say he is naturally skilled at understanding customer problems and then formulating solutions to address them."

Abhishek Chakravarty
Director, Emerson
Abhishek Chakravarty

"Simon is an innovator and problem solver. His solutions often addressed the issue and prepared our systems for future growth. Simon also followed through on implementing his solutions and ensured their success."

Mike Duncan
Vice President, Central States Water Resources
Mike Duncan